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顯示具有 田園趣 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


柚子樹開花了Pomelo Tree is blooming

Never give up. One day you will blossom beautifully.  



無花果園前面種了一顆柚子樹, 五年了都沒有開花結果,今年終於開滿串的小白花,香味撲鼻,令人聞之精神一振,今年中秋節有柚子可以吃了,而且是有機的柚子,柚子的生命從未放棄自己,主人也沒有放棄她,終於等到開花結果這一天的來臨。We planted a pomelo tree in front of the fig farm.  It has not blossomed and born fruits for fives years.  It  is finally blooming  this year since March with abundance of little white flowers.  The little flowers look so charming and smell so fresh!  The fragrance of these lovely flowers let me wake up. We are expecting to have pomelo fruits this coming mid-autumn festival.  It is organic.  The pomelo tree has never given up itself and we, as her human friends do not ignore her life in the same way.  Eventually, we all are looking forward to these harvest days in the near future.